site clearance | demolition | recycling | waste disposal
Micro Demolition
In many cases our works involve us having to partner large specialist demolition companies , by firstly removing the asbestos so that they can undertake their works. Sometimes to get to the asbestos we have to undertake some of the works because of potential contamination risks, such as removing suspended ceilings because their are asbestos containing spray coatings above that may have degraded over the years.
We recognise, that all demolition works are different and in many cases demolition of smaller projects where asbestos is present, are easier and best dealt with by us. From domestic garages to small sub stations we are available to discuss, help plan and undertake the works for you.
Internal Strip Outs
When a building is being renovated for what ever reasons including in preparation for new occupants, the process of stripping back the existing fit out to the bare walls is a specialist job, which in many cases involves the removal of asbestos.
Knowing the dded risk, Ferncroft Environmental working with clients and facility management companies offer this one stop facility, allowing them to have access to one contractor that can undertake the complete internal strip out.
From internal walls, suspended ceilings, services, floor coverings and general clear out from previous occupants is all in a days work for us and if there is asbestos issues, we deal with them also.
If the building has been vacant for some time, it may require an environmental clean and sanitisation, at Ferncroft, our hazmat team trained to deal with microbial contaminants are all part of the service.
With demolition, asbestos removal, internal strip outs, environmental clean ups and general remediation, by default theirs a lot of unwanted waste. Some we have no choice with, the very nature such as asbestos is classed as controlled waste and has to double bagged / wrapped and disposed of at a licensed facility, where it is registered, recorded and buried.
Other wastes such as microbial contaminants also have to be dealt with, which often involves consultation with the islands environmental health team on whether the waste goes for thermal destruction of specialist treatment before land fill.
For us it what we do best and all in a days work, the nice part is that their is always plenty of waste that can be recycled and where possible is our preferred option.
Our ethos is quite simple if it can be recycled, it must be recycled.
Concrete, bricks, blocks are sent to one of the islands recognised recycling yards for crushing and grading where it is used in future works. Timber is segregated and where it has no further use is sent to the 'Energy from waste plant and metals recovered for smelting.